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Niklas Thulin on the future of integration and the Nordic Integration Summit 2024

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With a long and solid background in IT and business development, Niklas Thulin is one of the leading experts at Epical when it comes to integration and the role of technology in creating business value. In this interview, he discusses the development of the industry and what we can expect from the Nordic Integration Summit 2024.


Helping customers see the business value that integration creates

Niklas Thulin has a long and multifaceted background in the IT industry. He started his career as a developer, where he designed and created systems for healthcare, among other things. Over time, he has worked in leading roles, including as CTO, where he has been responsible for sales, business areas and strategic development. This extensive experience has given him the ability to see how everything is connected as part of something bigger. "It's about seeing the big picture – understanding how everything is connected, from customers and products to budgets and strategies," says Niklas.


Today, he has the role of Integration Principal at Epical, an advisory role where he focuses on helping businesses identify and realize their value potential through the right integrations. "My role is strategically oriented," he explains. "I help customers understand how integration can improve their business and how technology can be used in the right way to create long-term value."

"Integration is not just a technical issue, it is a business strategy tool that can create tremendous value if used correctly."

His experience in leading, budgeting, and strategizing makes him well-equipped to help clients navigate the rapidly changing world of technology. "My role is to identify the value potential of each integration, and then ensure that the technology is aligned with the goals of the business."


What is the Nordic Integration Summit?

The Nordic Integration Summit is an annual industry event that brings together over 200 people from the world of data and integration to discuss the latest in the field. Niklas describes the event as a hub for innovation and collaboration in the field of integration.


"It's a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and discuss the latest trends," says Niklas. He also emphasizes that the event is not just about the technology, but that it is largely about driving the entire industry forward through collaboration and shared insights.


The development of technology – what has changed?

When asked how the area of integration has changed in recent years, he highlights two main perspectives. "On the one hand, there are companies that still work in the same way as they did 20 years ago. They have the same challenges with inefficient processes and outdated technology."


The other side of the coin is the rapid technological development. Cloud services such as Azure, and other innovative platforms, have radically changed the way companies can work with integration. "Technology has evolved incredibly fast, offering solutions that are scalable, flexible, and adapted to today's digital ecosystem," says Niklas. But he points out that the potential of technology is not always fully exploited.

"Just because the technology is good, doesn't mean you automatically do something good with it. It's about having a clear strategy from the start and creating the right conditions for the technology to deliver real value."

Epical has therefore developed Baseline – a standardized method for how integration work should be carried out to give the best results. "By setting a standard from the start, we can ensure that the integrations are both value-creating and scalable," Niklas explains.


Why you don't want to miss the Nordic Integration Summit 2024

Niklas is looking forward to the Nordic Integration Summit, where he sees an opportunity to not only network, but also to discuss the AI technologies of the future and how they can change the industry. "This is a chance to get an insight into the latest experiences and technologies in integration, and to meet the experts who are driving the development forward."

"It's an event you don't want to miss if you want to be part of shaping the integration solutions of the future," concludes Niklas.


Do you want to know more about how your organization can benefit from the right integration solutions and how technology can create tangible business value? Send us a contact request to book a consultation with Niklas where you get valuable insights and practical advice tailored to your particular business.
